
Lost Lynx Publishing & Media has been several years in the making; primarily because we wanted to get it right.

As we are very small we never intended to ‘compete’ with the big guys, to put it frankly, we can’t – however that doesn’t mean we don’t have something to offer and something to share.

So, after many years of research, here we are!

Before we talk about what Lost Lynx is, I’d like to tell you what it is not:

(i)                 we are not a vanity press – and never will be

(ii)               we are not another form or option for self-publishing.  While there is a place in today’s market for well written, professionally edited and marketed self-published books, our business does not include that

(iii)             we are not, nor will we ever be, a large traditional publisher — we’re talking ’boutique’ — we’re looking at somewhere between 2-4 published works a year — we’re hoping to offer a little more for the those with a unique idea, or voice, or theme or (hopefully) all three. We are not looking for the next ‘Twilight’ but rather the next new wave of author (although if we had a massive success we’d be popping champagne; promise).

Having said the above, you might be asking yourself, “OK so what do you do then?”

I’m glad you asked.

The Lost Lynx Blog will have two main functions.

(i) an additional avenue for aspiring writers to prefect their draft query letters

(ii) a forum for the promotion of topical events, launches and links to other useful Blogs & Websites

(iii) an avenue for talent that doesn’t fit into neat box. Cross-genres (think space-cowgirl who solves mysteries and crochet’s doilies), tough subject matter (think bi-polar lawyer who is defending a convicted drug-dealer), that sort of stuff.

We would love to hear your feedback and to also become connected with you on Twitter.

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